I love Lorem Ipsum.

I don’t remember when I discovered Lorem Ipsum text. It could have been in the late 90s when I was using PageMaker to design my college newspaper’s features section. It might have been around 2005 when I took an HTML course at a local community college (gotta love continuing education classes).

Lorem Ipsum text is the industry standard dummy text for printing and graphic design.

Lorem Ipsum text is the industry standard dummy text for printing and graphic design.

According to Ipsum.com, Lorem Ipsum is a dummy text originally used in the printing and typesetting industry. It’s been around since the 1500s and is still used today.

When I began college teaching, I used it to teach formatting and layout. In my writing, I use it to translate word counts into approximate page counts.

I discovered a great site that generates the text for you in your requested word or paragraph count. (You can even get a batch of text measured in bytes.)

The generator is free at the moment, but they are taking donations and looking for people to help translate the site into a foreign language. (Freelance or early-career translators might find this a valuable experience) I don’t have any affiliation with them, but I did just donate $5.00. Trust me, the pains of self-financing a website are many.

If you need placeholder text, check out ipsum.com.