Tag Archives: writing advice

BodyHome Cover

Episode 12: Chelsey Clammer, author of BodyHome

I decided to interview Chelsey Clammer because I was super impressed with her dedication to writing and publishing. I’ve joked that she’s a submission machine, but this woman is no heartless robot. Spirituality is at the center of her writing practice and in this interview,

Obsession: A sexy scent for writers

A couple years ago, I started saving quotes by writers – kind of like Rachel Toor refers to in her article on The Chronicle of Higher Education. I wasn’t writing nowhere near as consistently as I am now (and by “nowhere near” I mean that

Episode 8: Live Your Best Literary Life with Joan Dempsey

In this week’s journey Behind the Prose, I interview teacher and writer Joan Dempsey. Before discussing the way she crafts character actions (she’s got a technique that will certainly show you how committed she is to authenticity in her work), we talk about how she’s

Wise, but rude, writing advice and why it works

BY KEYSHA WHITAKER “Writing is hard. For most writers, the financial rewards are few. I know the best I can hope for—and I hope for this daily—is a nice email from a stranger letting me know that something I wrote helped. Or moved them. Or