Category Archives: Blog

Lorem Ipsum text is the industry standard dummy text for printing and graphic design.

I love Lorem Ipsum.

I don’t remember when I discovered Lorem Ipsum text. It could have been in the late 90s when I was using PageMaker to design my college newspaper’s features section. It might have been around 2005 when I took an HTML course at a local community college

How Scrivener’s compile feature led me to Canadian writers

I’m considering changing the name of this blog to Behind the Serendipty. I’ve written about it before with the spooky intersection of John Updike, Reading, PA, The Writers’ Almanac, and Garrison Keillor. Early this morning, about 1 a.m., in the middle of my insomnia, I tried

Web Find: Top ten style checks for writers

I found this post on Medium by Patrick Dunleavy: “Top Ten Style Checks for PhDs or Creative Nonfiction Writers.”  If you’re a writer in the trenches, many of his ten points might be familiar. Some I was aware of,  just not as he phrased it, like the “Link/Frame/Deliver”